Attending this event?
Monday, September 23

9:00am BST

How to use Metadb for FOLIO Reporting
Monday September 23, 2024 9:00am - 12:00pm BST
Pre-conference workshops are in-person only and require a separate registration fee ($100). You may register for workshops on the regular WOLFcon registration page.

In this half-day pre-conference workshop, FOLIO Reporting SIG representatives from a variety of institutions and software developers from Index Data will provide presentations, demonstrations, instructions, and exercises to immerse participants in the wonderful world of FOLIO reporting using a reporting database running the open source Metadb software. Join us to learn how to set up and use the wide variety of reporting tools that are now available such as: using the Reporting App in FOLIO to build and run real-time data reports right from the FOLIO application interface; setting up and using a Metadb reporting database to provide your institution with real-time data reports from FOLIO; getting started with building reports using Metadb software with FOLIO data; using Tableau to deliver FOLIO data dashboards from Metadb; using report samples, derived tables, and other tools on the folio-analytics GitHub repository; moving your LDP reporting database to Metadb; and several additional topics.
avatar for Sharon Markus

Sharon Markus

Senior Library Systems Analyst, Cornell University
Reporting, LDP, Metadb, Library Data Platform, Data Migration

Suzette Cañeda

Assistant Head, Acquisitions, Stanford Libraries
avatar for Mike Taylor

Mike Taylor

Software Guy, Index Data
Michael Taylor is a Software Guy at Index Data, a boutique software house that has been creating open-source software for libraries since the early 1990s. He is also a Research Associate in dinosaur palaeontology at the University of Bristol, UK. He was one of theengineers on the... Read More →

Scott Perry

Head, Collection Support, University of Chicago Library
Monday September 23, 2024 9:00am - 12:00pm BST
G11-12 Senate House

9:00am BST

Understanding and Using AI Workflows with FOLIO
Monday September 23, 2024 9:00am - 4:00pm BST
Pre-conference workshops are in-person only and require a separate registration fee ($150). You may register for workshops on the regular WOLFcon registration page.

This all day pre-conference introduces Artificial Intelligence to the FOLIO community with a focus on using Generative AI with FOLIO and Okapi. Participants in the morning will survey the application and ethical considerations of using AI in libraries, ending with exercises using ChatGPT and other LLMs. The afternoon will continue the exploration of Generative AI using the Chatting with Catalogs application with specific AI and FOLIO workflows demonstration with participants being able to actual use AI with FOLIO. The pre-conference will end with open-ended call-to-action on how AI could be further integrated and adopted by FOLIO.

Morning Session

- Introduction to the full-day pre-conference on AI, Machine Learning, and FOLIO
- Types of AI and Machine Learning techniques relevant to Libraries
- Ethical Considerations in AI and Machine Learning for Libraries
- Exploring ChatGPT, Claude, and Google Gemini LLMs

Afternoon Session
- Generative AI Use cases for FOLIO
- Automated metadata generation and enrichment
- Improving user and technical documentation
- Analysis and management of Financial Orders and Invoices
- Collection management and optimization
-Technical support for Orphaned Modules
- Recommended resources for further learning and professional development in AI and Machine Learning
- Next steps for adopting AI and ML in FOLIO
avatar for Jeremy Nelson

Jeremy Nelson

Software Engineer, Stanford University Libraries
Monday September 23, 2024 9:00am - 4:00pm BST
G3 Senate House

9:00am BST

OLF Board Meeting
Monday September 23, 2024 9:00am - 4:00pm BST
Open Library Foundation Board meeting.
Monday September 23, 2024 9:00am - 4:00pm BST
G5 Senate House

1:00pm BST

Linked Data Production Foundations: Where are we now? Where are we going? How do we get there?
Monday September 23, 2024 1:00pm - 4:00pm BST
Pre-conference workshops are in-person only and require a separate registration fee ($100). You may register for workshops on the regular WOLFcon registration page.

FOLIO’s Inventory’s format-agnostic structure was always envisioned as enabling libraries to make the transition from traditional MARC-based cataloging processes to a linked open data production environment. As libraries who are well on their way toward, already working with, and aspiring to work with join the FOLIO community, it is crucial for the community to share information about, evaluate, and help shape the development of the tools and infrastructure needed to support this new bibliographic ecosystem.

Part 1: Andreas Mace of the National Library of Sweden will offer the perspective of a library already working with BIBFRAME in a linked open data (LOD) environment. Andreas will discuss the workflows needed to make operating in an LOD environment possible. He will also address why the National Library of Sweden chose FOLIO, how LOD can be used in FOLIO, and some of the gaps or weaknesses that need to be addressed in order to optimize linked data in FOLIO.

Part 2: Lisa McColl from Lehigh University will discuss some of the considerations, both data-centered and people-centered, in transitioning from MARC to LOD metadata workflows. Topics will include issues around the philosophies and practicalities behind transitioning from MARC to LOD, using internal vs external data stores and editors, and using data from non-open sources like OCLC WorldCat.


Part 3: a panel discussion with experts that will provide an overview of the work currently done with linked data editors like FOLIO’s Linked Data Editor, Sinopia, and J.Cricket; future development needed; and the shared challenges and opportunities that the library community will face in transitioning from MARC to LOD. Panel participants will include: Gloria Gonzalez (EBSCO), Nancy Lorimer (Stanford), Kalli Mathios (Stanford), and Tiziana Possemato (@CULT).

avatar for Laura Daniels

Laura Daniels

Acting Director, Cataloging & Metadata Services, Cornell University Library
Formerly known as: Laura Wright. I've been a part of the FOLIO community since 2017. I would love to talk about beer or see pictures of your dog (or cat).

Chris Long

Professor and Faculty Director of the Resource Des, University of Colorado Boulder
Monday September 23, 2024 1:00pm - 4:00pm BST
G11-12 Senate House

1:00pm BST

VuFind® workshop: Enhancing Access and Utilization
Monday September 23, 2024 1:00pm - 4:00pm BST
Pre-conference workshops are in-person only and require a separate registration fee ($100). You may register for workshops on the regular WOLFcon registration page.

Objective: The half-day workshop aims to provide participants with practical knowledge and skills to effectively utilize the VuFind® open source discovery software for research, teaching, and learning purposes.

Prerequisites: Participants should bring computers with network capabilities and an SSH client (e.g. PuTTY) for connecting to servers during exercises. Some exercises will involve editing files and running simple commands on the Unix command line; familiarity with basic Unix/Linux commands is recommended but not required.

Workshop Outline:
00:00-00:30 – Lecture: Introduction to VuFind® (what is it, why is it useful, and what are its key features?)
00:30-00:45 – Lecture: How can you obtain data? (OAI-PMH, MARC, XML and CSV will be explained)
00:45-01:00 – Hands-on exercise: harvesting data (using pre-configured virtual servers)
• MARC data from Koha ILS via OAI-PMH.
• XML data from DSpace via OAI-PMH.
01:00-01:30 – Lecture: How can you import data?
Discussion will cover multiple format-specific import tools:
• MARC obtained from the ILS (e.g. FOLIO, Koha, etc.)
• XML from repository systems (e.g. DSpace, SubjectsPlus, etc.)
• Comma delimited CSV for data entered in Excel or Libre Office Calc
01:30-01:45 – Exercise: Import the harvested MARC records and XML data from the prior exercise, including custom settings to support alert and notifications (SDI) functionality.
01:45-02:00 – Break/Q&A time
02:00-02:30 – Lecture: sitemaps, web crawling and combined search
02:30-03:00 – Final exercise: set up web crawling, crawl an example Wordpress site, configure combined search to display side-by-side with MARC and XML results indexed in previous exercise.
03:00-03:30 – Final Q&A; discussion of possible next steps including books released by VuFind® for Koha ILS, WordPress, DSpace and SubjectsPlus integrated with VuFind®, API and Plugins.

• Participants will gain know-how and skills to navigate and utilize VuFind® software effectively.
• Enhanced research capabilities and access to a wider range of scholarly materials.
• Improved teaching and learning outcomes through the integration of VuFind® with Koha ILS, DSpace, WordPress and SubjectsPlus.
• Networking opportunities with peers and experts in the field.
• Participant feedback surveys will be done to assess the workshop's effectiveness and areas for improvement.
• Post-workshop follow-up support for further assistance and guidance will be provided for 5 days through Zoom.

By integrating these strategies and best practices, researchers, library professionals and educators can effectively leverage VuFind® software to enhance the quality and impact of their research projects and teaching materials, while also promoting responsible use of digital content.
Moderators Speakers
avatar for Chris Hallberg

Chris Hallberg

Library Technology Development Specialist, Villanova University
VuFind developer, lead on UX.
Monday September 23, 2024 1:00pm - 4:00pm BST
G4 Senate House
Tuesday, September 24

8:15am BST

Registration open - coffee, networking
Tuesday September 24, 2024 8:15am - 9:00am BST
Tuesday September 24, 2024 8:15am - 9:00am BST
Macmillan Hall Senate House

9:00am BST

Welcome from OLF and Project Updates
Tuesday September 24, 2024 9:00am - 9:30am BST
Tuesday September 24, 2024 9:00am - 9:30am BST
Beveridge Hall Senate House

9:30am BST

Plenary: National Libraries: Open Source, Open Future
Tuesday September 24, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am BST
This panel will feature leaders from national libraries, who will discuss the role that open source and open access play in their respective countries.
avatar for Terence Ingram

Terence Ingram

Director Projects and Innovation, Digital, National Library of Australia
avatar for Andreas Mace

Andreas Mace

Systems Librarian and Team Leader, Acquisitions and Metadata Department, National Library of Sweden
Tuesday September 24, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am BST
Beveridge Hall Senate House

10:30am BST

Break (30 min)
Tuesday September 24, 2024 10:30am - 11:00am BST
Tuesday September 24, 2024 10:30am - 11:00am BST
Macmillan Hall Senate House

11:00am BST

Financial reporting in FOLIO
Tuesday September 24, 2024 11:00am - 11:50am BST
Exporting fiscal year, ledger, group, fund and transactional data in the Finance and Lists apps.
avatar for Joe Reimers

Joe Reimers

Senior Product Owner, EBSCO
Joe Reimers (MSLIS, Drexel University) has been a Product Owner at EBSCO specializing in Acquisitions and Enhanced Consortia Support since 2023. Prior to joining EBSCO, he worked as a sales engineer for 2 different library system vendors after spending over a decade as systems coordinator... Read More →
Tuesday September 24, 2024 11:00am - 11:50am BST
G11 Senate House

11:00am BST

Metadata Management SIG working meeting
Tuesday September 24, 2024 11:00am - 11:50am BST
A working meeting for members (and potential members) of the Metadata Management SIG. Focus: . Feedback and lively discussion requested.
avatar for Felix Hemme

Felix Hemme

Systems Librarian, ZBW / VZG
Tuesday September 24, 2024 11:00am - 11:50am BST
G3 Senate House

11:00am BST

Stripes Framework - Past-Present-Future
Tuesday September 24, 2024 11:00am - 11:50am BST
Stripes has been FOLIO's front-end UI library-of-libraries since the early days. We'll reminisce about the history of the platform a bit, inform on the present state of components, libraries, and resources. And present a forward-looking roadmap and possible upcoming features.
Moderators Speakers
avatar for Zak Burke

Zak Burke

Software Engineer, EBSCO Information Systems
Tuesday September 24, 2024 11:00am - 11:50am BST
G4 Senate House

11:00am BST

Improving availability information in discovery: hebis' highly configurable alternative to edge_rtac
Tuesday September 24, 2024 11:00am - 11:50am BST
One of FOLIO’s strengths is that many special cases of lending such as ‘bound journal volumes’, ‘acquisition records’, ‘omnibus records’, etc. and local rules can be easily modeled.
However, it is often difficult to present the nuances to readers in an intuitive way.
The "Discovery" group’s 2023 survey shows that the FOLIO’s API for availability information provides far too little information for this task. Therefore, every advanced patron GUI (such as VuFind®) has to query multiple low-level FOLIO APIs to meet the needs, a task which requires an unreasonably deep knowledge of FOLIO internals.
Even though VuFind® provides a configurable driver for integration with FOLIO, this solution was not sufficiently flexible for the needs of our libraries. So we decided to develop our own Edge API. We invented a universal (not only for VuFind®) and highly configurable (XSLT) solution. We are proud of it and confident that it can be used as a prototype for the much needed redesign of RTAC. 
In this presentation, I will show you how we use our solution to extract the most complete information from FOLIO, prepare it and finally display it in our VuFind® installations. I will also demonstrate how to customize the output of the API using XSLT.
Every library is different, and it may not be obvious from the demonstration exactly how this tool might meet your needs. Time will be set aside for Q&A so we can discuss your use cases and demonstrate the flexibility of this solution.

avatar for Uwe Reh

Uwe Reh

Systems architect, hebis
Tuesday September 24, 2024 11:00am - 11:50am BST
G5 Senate House

11:00am BST

GOKb Technical Update
Tuesday September 24, 2024 11:00am - 11:50am BST
Based on feedback from users as well as other projects, GOKb has received many improvements to its various tools and APIs over the last year. This presentation will give an overview and a chance to facilitate further technical feedback and discussion.
avatar for Moritz Horn

Moritz Horn

GOKb Technical Lead, Common Library Network (VZG)
Tuesday September 24, 2024 11:00am - 11:50am BST
Brunswick G7 Senate House

11:00am BST

Beyond FOLIO - leveraging LDP/Metadb to its fullest
Tuesday September 24, 2024 11:00am - 11:50am BST
We'll provide an overview of the LDP project, mostly focusing on Metadb, and show how it can be used to help solve not only your FOLIO analytics challenges, but also help in areas beyond FOLIO. This will include integrating historical data, and working with non-FOLIO datasets.
avatar for Mike Gorrell

Mike Gorrell

Managing Director, Index Data
Tuesday September 24, 2024 11:00am - 11:50am BST
Beveridge Hall Senate House

12:00pm BST

Lunch (60 min)
Tuesday September 24, 2024 12:00pm - 1:00pm BST
Tuesday September 24, 2024 12:00pm - 1:00pm BST
Macmillan Hall Senate House

1:00pm BST

Demystifying FOLIO financial tracking.
Tuesday September 24, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm BST
A review of the formulas used by FOLIO to calculate financial activity and overages, manage encumbrance values, create new encumbrances during fiscal year rollover and enforce limits on expenditures and encumbrances.
avatar for Dennis Bridges

Dennis Bridges

Principal Product Manager, EBSCO
Tuesday September 24, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm BST
G3 Senate House

1:00pm BST

ERM Experience Exchange
Tuesday September 24, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm BST
This session is about exchanging experiences in working with FOLIO ERM apps.
The ERM Community is invited to show - by presenting their use of ERM apps - what works well for them and where they would like to see improvement.

There are multiple options to engage: Libraries can share their experiences either in person or remotely, demos can be pre-recorded and then discussed during the session and they can be long or short.

If you would like to talk us through your workflow to help align real-life needs and development, please contact: Martina.Schildt@gbv.de.
Please indicate: what aspects of FOLIO ERM will you focus on and how long will your demo approximately take - to enable an accurate session planning.
avatar for Martina Schildt

Martina Schildt

Systems Librarian, VZG | GBV
Tuesday September 24, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm BST
G4 Senate House

1:00pm BST

FOLIO Roadmap: The 2024 Update
Tuesday September 24, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm BST
The Product Council, under its charter, is supposed "to maintain the FOLIO roadmap to reflect the best interests of librarians and users and to work with the development teams to deliver the roadmap as efficiently as possible." For FOLIO, the roadmap brings together the priorities developed through many mechanisms: conversations within the Special Interest Groups, FOLIO institutional users working through their hosting providers, contributed development resources, and development happening on behalf of a client or for specific contractual obligations. The roadmap, maintained on the FOLIO wiki (https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PC/pages/4883619/FOLIO+Roadmap) with direct links to Jira, attempts to bring all of this development work together to provide a rolling 18-month outlook, with emphasis on the next two FOLIO "flower" releases. This session will provide an overview of the latest work and prospective work for FOLIO development as reported through the Roadmap. It also is a chance for us to check in on what we know is on the docket, hear about any major gaps, and make sure the Roadmap and our process for maintaining it is working well for the community.
avatar for Kristin Martin

Kristin Martin

Director of Technical Services, University of Chicago
Tuesday September 24, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm BST
Beveridge Hall Senate House

1:00pm BST

Using the User App APIs
Tuesday September 24, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm BST
Demos of scripts written by Folio users using the Users API for various purposes
avatar for Maura Byrne

Maura Byrne

Senior Programmer/Analyst, University of Chicago Library
I've worked at the University of Chicago Library, managing permissions for users for 25 years.
avatar for Amelia Sutton

Amelia Sutton

Library Serv Platform Admin, University of Massacshuestts Amherst - W. E. B. Du Bois Library
Tuesday September 24, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm BST
Brunswick G7 Senate House

1:00pm BST

Metadb: Reporting and Analytics in the Library
Tuesday September 24, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm BST
This panel offers perspectives from institutions that use the open-source Metadb/LDP software platform. We will also provide an update on the project and community. Find out how Metadb/LDP is used by many institutions not only for basic reporting, but also for operations support and collection analysis.
avatar for Mike Gorrell

Mike Gorrell

Managing Director, Index Data

Christie Thomas

Head, Data Management Services, University of Chicago Library
avatar for Arthur Aguilera

Arthur Aguilera

Collection Development & Assessment Librarian, University of Colorado Boulder
avatar for Lisa McColl

Lisa McColl

Metadata Services Manager, Lehigh University
Tuesday September 24, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm BST
G5 Senate House

1:00pm BST

VuFind®: State of the Project 2024
Tuesday September 24, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm BST
This talk will discuss developments within the project (both technical and organizational) over the year since the previous VuFind® Summit while also highlighting some possible future developments for the next major release. Time will be included for general Q&A about the project and its future plans.
avatar for Demian Katz

Demian Katz

Director of Library Technology, Villanova University
Lead developer and community manager for the VuFind®, Geeby-Deeby and VuDL projects; participant in the Fedora Commons and Universal Viewer communities.
Tuesday September 24, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm BST
G11 Senate House

2:00pm BST

Automated testing for the Folio UI and end-to-end
Tuesday September 24, 2024 2:00pm - 2:50pm BST
Join us for a dynamic working session to revolutionize your software testing capabilities! We’ll be exploring the powerful combination of Cypress and Interactors framework to implement automated tests and streamline your testing process. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your team’s productivity and efficiency.
avatar for Yogesh Kumar

Yogesh Kumar

Head of Quality and Infrastructure, Ebsco Industries
Tuesday September 24, 2024 2:00pm - 2:50pm BST
G3 Senate House

2:00pm BST

FOLIO Product Owner AMA (Ask Me Anything)
Tuesday September 24, 2024 2:00pm - 2:50pm BST
A panel of product owners will answer questions about pretty much anything FOLIO-related. All are welcome to attend, all product owners are welcome to be panelists.

Khalilah Gambrell

FOLIO Product Owner, EBSCO Information Services
Tuesday September 24, 2024 2:00pm - 2:50pm BST
G4 Senate House

2:00pm BST

Intro to User Management/Users Help Session
Tuesday September 24, 2024 2:00pm - 2:50pm BST
An entry-level, hands-on meeting to go over UM in Folio, sharing workarounds, and some troubleshooting discussions.
avatar for Maura Byrne

Maura Byrne

Senior Programmer/Analyst, University of Chicago Library
I've worked at the University of Chicago Library, managing permissions for users for 25 years.
avatar for Amelia Sutton

Amelia Sutton

Library Serv Platform Admin, University of Massacshuestts Amherst - W. E. B. Du Bois Library
Tuesday September 24, 2024 2:00pm - 2:50pm BST
Brunswick G7 Senate House

2:00pm BST

Lightning Talks: FOLIO's Support Community
Tuesday September 24, 2024 2:00pm - 2:50pm BST
This session emphasizes the importance of supporting our work in the FOLIO Community. Support helps us identify and fix issues before they become bigger problems. The support team plays a crucial role in this process. They help us ensure that FOLIO meets the highest standards of quality and reliability; however, without participation, we cannot succeed in our mission.
Moderators Speakers
Tuesday September 24, 2024 2:00pm - 2:50pm BST
G5 Senate House

2:00pm BST

Stanford’s FOLIO Migration: a self-hosting success story
Tuesday September 24, 2024 2:00pm - 2:50pm BST
Stanford migrated to FOLIO in August 2023. We are a self-hosted site, and were 80% self-migrating as well (20% with Index Data). We made extensive use of the EBSCO migration tools, Apache Airflow, FOLIO’s many api endpoints, FOLIO community resources, and a whole lotta scripting. Stanford’s Library Systems team will share technical details of our migration.
avatar for Darsi Rueda

Darsi Rueda

Manager, Library Systems, Stanford Libraries
avatar for Jeremy Nelson

Jeremy Nelson

Software Engineer, Stanford University Libraries
Tuesday September 24, 2024 2:00pm - 2:50pm BST
Beveridge Hall Senate House

2:00pm BST

Empowering users of open source software with reference to VuFind
Tuesday September 24, 2024 2:00pm - 2:50pm BST
In most of the open source software the documentation is not sufficient and the open source software is prepared by the developer to solve a particular problem. To use the open source software, training is needed. The benefit of the training and its impact will be highlighed in the presentation
Tuesday September 24, 2024 2:00pm - 2:50pm BST
G11 Senate House

3:00pm BST

Break (30 min)
Tuesday September 24, 2024 3:00pm - 3:30pm BST
Tuesday September 24, 2024 3:00pm - 3:30pm BST
Macmillan Hall Senate House

3:30pm BST

A look at the Harvester admin app | We are live! Now what? A sysops tale
Tuesday September 24, 2024 3:30pm - 4:20pm BST
A look at the Harvester admin app:
In a collaborative effort between GBV and Index Data, a process was developed to connect CBS databases to FOLIO Inventory. With the Harvester admin app created for this purpose, it is possible to configure the system environment, monitor running jobs and access error messages. In our Lightning Talk, we're excited to share the latest advancements of this app and offer insights into its current state.;

We are live! Now what? A sysops tale:
The long road to a live self-hosted folio is over. What should you, a system administrator, do now? A tale of what we at Linköping University did after going live in July 2023.
avatar for Felix Hemme

Felix Hemme

Systems Librarian, ZBW / VZG

Magnus 'minus' Toneby

Systemadministrator, Linköping University

Antje Niemann

Library Computer Scientist, Head Office of GBV Göttingen
Tuesday September 24, 2024 3:30pm - 4:20pm BST
G5 Senate House

3:30pm BST

Bulk Edit and List App Working Group Meeting
Tuesday September 24, 2024 3:30pm - 4:20pm BST
This session will begin with a brief overview of the current state of the Bulk Edit and Lists apps, followed by presentations from:
  • Jeanette Kalchik, Head of Data and E-resources Control in Metadata Services at Stanford University
  • Jennifer Eustis, Metadata Librarian at the University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • Lynne Fors, Metadata and Cataloging Librarian at Wellesley College
They will share their experiences using these apps in production environments. The session will conclude with an overview of the new functionality planned for the upcoming Ramsons and Sunflower releases.
avatar for Magda Zacharska

Magda Zacharska

Product Manager, EBSCO|FOLIO
avatar for Jennifer Eustis

Jennifer Eustis

Librarian, Univesity of Massachusetts Amherst - W. E. B. Du Bois Library

Jeanette Kalchik

Head, Data & E-resources Control, Stanford Libraries
avatar for Kathleen Moore

Kathleen Moore

Senior Product Owner, EBSCO | FOLIO
avatar for Lynne Fors

Lynne Fors

Metadata and Cataloging Librarian, Wellesley College
Tuesday September 24, 2024 3:30pm - 4:20pm BST
G4 Senate House

3:30pm BST

Eureka Platform Overview
Tuesday September 24, 2024 3:30pm - 4:20pm BST
Eureka is an alternative platform core for Folio. This high-level overview of it details the improvements and new possibilities that it offers. Eureka brings to Folio the benefits of well established mature components such as Keycloak ( authorization/authentication) and Kong Gateway (API gateway), while being fully compatible with existing Folio modules and apps.
avatar for Vince Bareau

Vince Bareau

Architect, EBSCO
avatar for Craig McNally

Craig McNally

Principal Architect, EBSCO Information Services
Tuesday September 24, 2024 3:30pm - 4:20pm BST
G11 Senate House

3:30pm BST

General RA SIG Meeting
Tuesday September 24, 2024 3:30pm - 4:20pm BST
We will talk through the aged to lost and claimed returned process and handling of lost item fees and discuss bugs and possible improvements.
avatar for Jana Freytag

Jana Freytag

Systems librarian, Common Library Network GBV/VZG

Cornelia Awenius

Systems Librarian, University Library Mainz
Tuesday September 24, 2024 3:30pm - 4:20pm BST
Brunswick G7 Senate House

3:30pm BST

National Libraries in FOLIO
Tuesday September 24, 2024 3:30pm - 4:20pm BST
A community/working meeting where national libraries using, implementing or investigating FOLIO can meet and discuss common topics, regarding workflows and processes, system functionality (including gaps) and knowledge exchange.
avatar for Bodil Wennerlund

Bodil Wennerlund

Project manager, National Library of Sweden (KB)
FOLIO projects FOLIO implementation Migration to FOLIO
Tuesday September 24, 2024 3:30pm - 4:20pm BST
G3 Senate House

3:30pm BST

FOLIO + EDS + ReShare: Exposing library resources in discovery with a VuFind Single Search Implementation
Tuesday September 24, 2024 3:30pm - 4:20pm BST
In the Fall of 2023 the Lehigh University Libraries FOLIO/VuFind Team began the process of planning and testing a new single search discovery option. VuFind combined search brings together the results from FOLIO, EDS, ReShare, LibGuides A-Z Databases, Islandora, and EBSCO Publication Finder onto a single results page with various options for presentation.

To achieve clean, coherent results, understanding how the data in our cataloging records was contributing positively and negatively to the outcome of the single search was a challenge for Lehigh’s metadata team. With FOLIO’s Bulk Edit app, the LDP, the Data Import app, and tools external to FOLIO we identified and cleaned our data so it is represented cleanly and accurately in the single search.

VuFind's combined search affords a variety of ways to organize and present search results. We determined that user testing would be a vital part of the development process. Although we lacked formal expertise in user testing, we set about creating a framework for evaluating and grading user experience with various VuFind features and configurations.

In this session we will show the work that was done to get to this single search functionality that our library uses today. The session will cover data cleaning, newly developed integrations and related UX improvements, many of which are contributed back to VuFind for other institutions to utilize. The testing, feedback, and updating that contributed to those improvements will be detailed as well.
avatar for Lisa McColl

Lisa McColl

Metadata Services Manager, Lehigh University
avatar for Mark Canney

Mark Canney

Manager of Lending Services, Lehigh University
avatar for Maccabee Levine

Maccabee Levine

Senior Library App Developer, Lehigh University
Tuesday September 24, 2024 3:30pm - 4:20pm BST
Beveridge Hall Senate House

4:30pm BST

There’s an app for that! eReserve Plus on the FOLIO Platform
Tuesday September 24, 2024 4:30pm - 5:20pm BST
eReserve Plus brings reading list management natively to FOLIO. For years, libraries have been relying on eReserve Plus for building and managing reading lists in the learning management system.  eReserve Plus ensures that usage of materials in the classroom are compliant with copyright laws, that usage is tracked and reported on, and that there is visibility into the reading lists that faculty have developed. Now, eReserve Plus is built natively as a FOLIO App! This direct FOLIO integration makes it even easier for librarians to work with the reading lists in the learning management system while conducting their other tasks in FOLIO. In this session, we will review how eReserve works and showcase the new FOLIO app.
avatar for Rachel Fadlon

Rachel Fadlon

VP Marketing, EBSCO
avatar for Christopher Holly

Christopher Holly

Director SaaS Innovation, EBSCO Information Services
Christopher Holly is a Director of SaaS Innovation at EBSCO and has spent the majority of his library career working with ILS/LSP's. Prior to joining EBSCO, Christopher created a new strategic direction and plan for the Cooperative Computer Services (CCS) library consortium in Illinois... Read More →
avatar for Andrew Nagy

Andrew Nagy

Director, Innovation, EBSCO
Tuesday September 24, 2024 4:30pm - 5:20pm BST
G3 Senate House

4:30pm BST

Application/Platform formalization
Tuesday September 24, 2024 4:30pm - 5:20pm BST
Working session
avatar for Tod Olson

Tod Olson

Director of Integrated Library Systems, The University of Chicago

Jenn Colt

Librarian, Cornell University
Tuesday September 24, 2024 4:30pm - 5:20pm BST
G11 Senate House

4:30pm BST

Discussion on Discovery Front End Systems used with FOLIO
Tuesday September 24, 2024 4:30pm - 5:20pm BST
How do librarians, vendors, and the FOLIO community work together to create the best user experience for our library patrons? To find out join Discovery Integration (a sub-group of the Systems Operations and Management SIG) as we reflect on how to best advocate for improvements to our various discovery environments. We will discuss the improvements made to EBSCO Discovery Service, VuFind®, and custom interfaces since our 2023 Discovery Survey Presentation, list some continuing pain points, and brainstorm ways to improve discovery interfaces for all of our various users.
  • Welcome / short introduction of the present (recent active) Members of the Discovery group (5 min)
  • Short summary of the progress since our Survey in 2023 (5 min)
  • Collecting Topics (bar camp style) (5 min)
  • Talk / Discussion (30 min)
avatar for Uwe Reh

Uwe Reh

Systems architect, hebis
avatar for Marie Widigson

Marie Widigson

Librarian, Chalmers Univeristy of Technology
I'm administering our library services platform (FOLIO) and discovery layer (EDS) as well as related search systems. I'm also acquiring and managing print and electronic books. Helping users in the library information desks is also an important part of my daily work.
avatar for Demian Katz

Demian Katz

Director of Library Technology, Villanova University
Lead developer and community manager for the VuFind®, Geeby-Deeby and VuDL projects; participant in the Fedora Commons and Universal Viewer communities.
avatar for Nicole Trujillo

Nicole Trujillo

Discovery & Access Librarian, University of Colorado Boulder
Tuesday September 24, 2024 4:30pm - 5:20pm BST
Beveridge Hall Senate House

4:30pm BST

Reading Room Circulation Feature in FOLIO
Tuesday September 24, 2024 4:30pm - 5:20pm BST
A working meeting to discuss the development of a Reading Room Circulation feature in FOLIO, with regards to community needs and requirements, supported workflows and possible solutions.
avatar for Andreas Mace

Andreas Mace

Systems Librarian and Team Leader, Acquisitions and Metadata Department, National Library of Sweden
Tuesday September 24, 2024 4:30pm - 5:20pm BST
Brunswick G7 Senate House

4:30pm BST

”That still only counts as one!” Lessons learned from a consortial ERM migration to FOLIO”
Tuesday September 24, 2024 4:30pm - 5:20pm BST
In Winter 2024, as part of the larger migration of the 63 member MOBIUS library consortium to FOLIO, we migrated 60 of those institutions to the FOLIO ERM apps (Organizations, Agreements, Licenses, and eHoldings). This session will discuss the background, context, methodology, data gathering, and data migration aspects of our approach, as well as the outcome and lessons learned for future consortial FOLIO ERM migrations.
avatar for Zorian Sasyk

Zorian Sasyk

EBSCO FOLIO Implementation Consultant, EBSCO Information Services
FOLIO Implementation | Electronic Resource Management and Lifecycle | Open Source Software in Libraries
Tuesday September 24, 2024 4:30pm - 5:20pm BST
G4 Senate House

4:30pm BST

Open ILS Initiative: A NISO Project
Tuesday September 24, 2024 4:30pm - 5:20pm BST
A key value point when evaluating open source software is open infrastructure that welcomes interoperability with other systems. However, when the desired ecosystem for a library or consortium contains both open and proprietary components, truly compatible choices may become more limited.

Given that the ILS (or LSP) is often the central element in our library suite of tools, NISO has voted in a new program called the Open ILS Initiative, which will bring awareness to critical areas of open infrastructure and flexibility surrounding the ILS. This session will discuss the Open ILS Initiative, including its goals to heighten transparency related to the definition of "open", the use of APIs, current roadblocks, and possible outcomes.
avatar for Scott Bernier

Scott Bernier

Vice President, Library & Government Relations, EBSCO Information Services
For more than 25 years, Scott has been focused on uncovering and understanding the needs and goals across the various members of the global library community. Through the years with EBSCO, his role has become more focused on gathering and sharing insights with libraries and other... Read More →
Tuesday September 24, 2024 4:30pm - 5:20pm BST
G5 Senate House

6:00pm BST

WOLFcon Reception
Tuesday September 24, 2024 6:00pm - 8:00pm BST
WOLFcon will be hosting a reception at Senate House. Details will be available soon.
Tuesday September 24, 2024 6:00pm - 8:00pm BST
Macmillan Hall Senate House
Wednesday, September 25

8:15am BST

Registration open - coffee, networking
Wednesday September 25, 2024 8:15am - 9:00am BST
Wednesday September 25, 2024 8:15am - 9:00am BST
Macmillan Hall Senate House

9:00am BST

Keynote: Accelerating Open Science at CERN
Wednesday September 25, 2024 9:00am - 10:00am BST
An engaging keynote address with Kamran Naim, Head of Open Science at CERN.

Dr. Kamran Naim is the Head of Open Science at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), where he leads a diverse portfolio of activities that aim to shape the future of global open science practice. This includes organizational policy development (facilitating the development of CERN’s Open Data and Open Science Policies); chairing the CERN Open Science Forum; and managing the operations of the Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics, SCOAP3 (the world’s largest disciplinary open access initiative), among a range of other activities that aim to optimize the impact of CERN’s scientific mission.
avatar for Jesse Koennecke

Jesse Koennecke

Director, Acquisitions & E-Resource Licensing, Cornell University
Jesse is responsible for managing Acquisitions and E-Resource Licensing services for Cornell University Library (CUL). Jesse has been involved with the Future of Libraries Is Open project to develop open source software for libraries since 2016  Ask me about Battledecks@ER&L!Ask... Read More →
avatar for Tom Cramer

Tom Cramer

Associate University Librarian, Stanford University
Hydra, Hydra-in-a-Box, Blacklight, Fedora, IIIF, Web Archiving, Linked Data, geospatial services.
Wednesday September 25, 2024 9:00am - 10:00am BST
Beveridge Hall Senate House

10:00am BST

Break (30 min)
Wednesday September 25, 2024 10:00am - 10:30am BST
Wednesday September 25, 2024 10:00am - 10:30am BST
Macmillan Hall Senate House

10:30am BST

Getting started with the FOLIO API
Wednesday September 25, 2024 10:30am - 11:50am BST
Learn to use the FOLIO API with linux, PowerShell, and Google Collab to automate workflows, perform maintenance, and generate reports. You will learn how to construct API queries that support your needs, where to get free tools, and tips and tricks for working with FOLIO. Previous experience is not necessary, and the session will be useful for people of all ability levels.
avatar for Kyle Banerjee

Kyle Banerjee

Implementation Consultant, EBSCO
Migrations, metadata, and APIs
avatar for Brooks Travis

Brooks Travis

Sr. FOLIO Implementation Consultant, EBSCO
Wednesday September 25, 2024 10:30am - 11:50am BST
G5 Senate House

10:30am BST

Enhanced Consortia Support: Meeting the needs of complex systems
Wednesday September 25, 2024 10:30am - 11:50am BST
Learn how FOLIO Enhanced Consortia Support is evolving to meet the requirements of a wider variety of system models. Gain insights and offer feedback on specific enhancements being made in the following areas: Administration and authorization, inventory and authority control, requests, export, bulk editing and reporting, and acquisitions.
avatar for Dennis Bridges

Dennis Bridges

Principal Product Manager, EBSCO
avatar for Magda Zacharska

Magda Zacharska

Product Manager, EBSCO|FOLIO
avatar for Anne E. Ekblad

Anne E. Ekblad

Product Owner - FOLIO, EBSCO Information Services
Anne E. Ekblad is an Agile Product Owner for FOLIO. Prior to joining EBSCO in February 2023, Anne worked in both special technical research and public libraries supporting and leading ILS, cataloging, and collection development / management efforts. A degreed librarian with a passion... Read More →
avatar for Stephanie Buck

Stephanie Buck

Senior Product Owner, EBSCO
avatar for Kathleen Moore

Kathleen Moore

Senior Product Owner, EBSCO | FOLIO
avatar for Christine Schultz-Richert

Christine Schultz-Richert

Product Owner, EBSCO

Ryan Taylor

Product Owner, EBSCO
Wednesday September 25, 2024 10:30am - 11:50am BST
G11 Senate House

10:30am BST

FOLIO Member Meeting
Wednesday September 25, 2024 10:30am - 11:50am BST
FOLIO’s success as a community open-source project depends upon an engaged membership. We will provide a brief update on the current state of membership and resourcing. We will then discuss a number of current challenges and opportunities including: the FOLIO developer advocate role, shared infrastructure and DevOps support, evolution of FOLIO as a result of the application formalization process, and the roles and expectations of members. We will then facilitate a forward-looking brainstorming session before wrapping up with a discussion of next steps. This session is designed for decision makers and those providing supporting analysis and implementation project management. Representatives from all FOLIO member libraries, networks and vendors, as well as those interested in membership, are encouraged to attend.
avatar for Simeon Warner

Simeon Warner

AUL for IT and Open Scholarship, Cornell University
avatar for Kirstin Kemner-Heek

Kirstin Kemner-Heek

Head of Library Management Systems Department, Verbundzentrale des GBV
avatar for Mike Gorrell

Mike Gorrell

Managing Director, Index Data
Wednesday September 25, 2024 10:30am - 11:50am BST
Brunswick G7 Senate House

10:30am BST

Workflows and Electronic Resource Management
Wednesday September 25, 2024 10:30am - 11:50am BST
Many aspects of electronic resource management are driven by workflows, and there has been a long standing desire to see support for workflows across the ERM modules (Agreements, Licenses, eHoldings, eUsage). The new Workflows application currently in development holds the promise of supporting a wide range of workflows, but has no domain specific functionality built in - that is to say won't automatically add workflows for electronic resource management (or any other aspects of library work) without careful design and understanding.
This workshop session would be designed to:
* Introduce the functionality supported by the Workflows app (presentation from the Workflows PO and team)
* Introduce a set of typical ERM workflows (presentation from SMEs)
* Workshop/brainstorm how the workflows app could support one or more of the exemplar ERM workflows including a consideration of what changes might be needed to ERM apps or other supporting applications (e.g. Dashboard) to deliver on the promise of the Workflow app potential
avatar for Owen Stephens

Owen Stephens

Consultant / Folio Product Owner, Owen Stephens Consulting Ltd
avatar for Jeremy Huff

Jeremy Huff

Core System Librarian, Texas A&M University
Wednesday September 25, 2024 10:30am - 11:50am BST
Beveridge Hall Senate House

12:00pm BST

Lunch (60 min)
Wednesday September 25, 2024 12:00pm - 1:00pm BST
Wednesday September 25, 2024 12:00pm - 1:00pm BST
Macmillan Hall Senate House

1:00pm BST

Eureka Folio’s Manager Applications
Wednesday September 25, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm BST
The Eureka Folio platform introduces three new Manager Applications: Application Manager; Tenant Manager; Tenant Entitlement Manager. This presentation details how they interact and how they are used together to manage a Eureka Folio installation.
avatar for Vince Bareau

Vince Bareau

Architect, EBSCO
avatar for Craig McNally

Craig McNally

Principal Architect, EBSCO Information Services
Wednesday September 25, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm BST
G4 Senate House

1:00pm BST

FOLIO Implementers Group - Working Session
Wednesday September 25, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm BST
A in person working session of the FOLIO Implementers Group to discuss various topics.
avatar for Thomas Trutt

Thomas Trutt

FOLIO Application Manager; PO Item States, Fee/Fines, Cornell University
Thomas has been with the Cornell University library system since 2000. He currently chairs both the FOLIO Support SIG and the FOLIO Security Sub-Committee. Since 2021, he has been actively involved in the FOLIO community, contributing to the RA-SIG and various sub-committees. Additionally... Read More →
Wednesday September 25, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm BST
G3 Senate House

1:00pm BST

Building Bridges: GOKb and FOLIO ERM supporting e-resource workflows
Wednesday September 25, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm BST
GOKb and FOLIO ERM are two OLF projects that work closely together and complement each other in supporting workflows of e-resources. The presentation will describe the path that a package of electronic resources takes through the GOKb to FOLIO and beyond - and how that package is prepared and enriched in the GOKb to form the basis for electronic resource management in FOLIO.
avatar for Daniel Rupp

Daniel Rupp

Product Owner GOKb, North Rhine-Westphalian Library Service Centre (hbz)
avatar for Martina Schildt

Martina Schildt

Systems Librarian, VZG | GBV
Wednesday September 25, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm BST
Brunswick G7 Senate House

1:00pm BST

Cornell's Migration from LDP to Metadb Reporting
Wednesday September 25, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm BST
This session will provide an overview of the Cornell University Library's migration of 300+ queries and 20+ Tableau dashboards from using a reporting database running the LDP (Library Data Platform) software to one using Metadb software (the next evolution of LDP software). Examples of recoding and testing queries and dashboards will be provided, along with recommendations on best practices. This session will be of interest to those moving from LDP to Metadb as well as those who are considering implementing a Metadb reporting database.
avatar for Sharon Markus

Sharon Markus

Senior Library Systems Analyst, Cornell University
Reporting, LDP, Metadb, Library Data Platform, Data Migration
Wednesday September 25, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm BST
G5 Senate House

1:00pm BST

Maturing in FOLIO
Wednesday September 25, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm BST
Public libraries are increasingly in need of streamlined, affordable, and intuitive software that can be integrated with their existing user management system. The cost of an incident reporting software, as an example, can range greatly while what defines an MVP can vary by organization and finding a fits-all solution is nearly impossible.

Join Spokane Public Library for an exploration into two new FOLIO apps, both leveraging FOLIO’s open architecture: SIR, a novel Security Incident Reporting solution designed to fill the niche need for a nationally growing issue and NMR, a planned New Material Request app (with VuFind integration) for receiving and processing material acquisitions and ILLs requests from library patrons.
avatar for Joseph Molloy

Joseph Molloy

IT Manager, Spokane Public Library
avatar for Gordon Goldner

Gordon Goldner

IT Developer, Spokane Public Library

Robert Roose

Support Services Director, Spokane Public Library
Wednesday September 25, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm BST
G11 Senate House

1:00pm BST

Data Import: Updates, Tips, and Tricks
Wednesday September 25, 2024 1:00pm - 2:50pm BST
The first part of this session will provide a high-level overview of Data Import’s roadmap over the next several releases. The second part of this session will introduce the Data Import App, tips, and tricks on how to use Data Import for bibliographic and order records and invoices as well as how to leverage Data Export with Data Import.
avatar for Jennifer Eustis

Jennifer Eustis

Librarian, Univesity of Massachusetts Amherst - W. E. B. Du Bois Library

Ryan Taylor

Product Owner, EBSCO
Wednesday September 25, 2024 1:00pm - 2:50pm BST
Beveridge Hall Senate House

2:00pm BST

Finding Your Way Around the FOLIO Community
Wednesday September 25, 2024 2:00pm - 2:50pm BST
Welcome to FOLIO! A strength of the FOLIO community is the close working relationships between project participants. Some have been working on the project for most of a decade, and we want to start you on your FOLIO journey. FOLIO is a complex project with many cooperating interests, communication tools, and a legacy of "how things have been done." This session introduces new community members to the groups, tools, and processes around the FOLIO project. Attendees will learn:
- The purpose of the three governing councils and the special interest groups
- How features are developed by the SIGs, shepherded by product owners, and tracked in the project's Jira issue system.
- Where to find information in the wiki, documentation, and code repositories
- How releases are made and the role of subject matter experts in testing the software in bugfest
- A brief introduction to current important/controversial topics
avatar for Mike Gorrell

Mike Gorrell

Managing Director, Index Data
Wednesday September 25, 2024 2:00pm - 2:50pm BST
G3 Senate House

2:00pm BST

Folio’s Next Generation AuthN/Z with Eureka
Wednesday September 25, 2024 2:00pm - 2:50pm BST
The Eureka Folio platform introduces Keycloak for handling all its authentication and authorization needs. This technical discussion gets into the details of how Keycloak integrates to Folio the benefits and possibilities that it brings.
avatar for Vince Bareau

Vince Bareau

Architect, EBSCO
avatar for Craig McNally

Craig McNally

Principal Architect, EBSCO Information Services
Wednesday September 25, 2024 2:00pm - 2:50pm BST
G4 Senate House

2:00pm BST

Managing user permissons
Wednesday September 25, 2024 2:00pm - 2:50pm BST
A workshop on how various institutions manage permissions in Folio
avatar for Maura Byrne

Maura Byrne

Senior Programmer/Analyst, University of Chicago Library
I've worked at the University of Chicago Library, managing permissions for users for 25 years.
avatar for Amelia Sutton

Amelia Sutton

Library Serv Platform Admin, University of Massacshuestts Amherst - W. E. B. Du Bois Library
avatar for Thomas Trutt

Thomas Trutt

FOLIO Application Manager; PO Item States, Fee/Fines, Cornell University
Thomas has been with the Cornell University library system since 2000. He currently chairs both the FOLIO Support SIG and the FOLIO Security Sub-Committee. Since 2021, he has been actively involved in the FOLIO community, contributing to the RA-SIG and various sub-committees. Additionally... Read More →
Wednesday September 25, 2024 2:00pm - 2:50pm BST
G5 Senate House

2:00pm BST

Learn about VuFind projects with Index Data
Wednesday September 25, 2024 2:00pm - 2:50pm BST
Index Data do VuFind solutions for libraries using FOLIO, KoHa, and also ReShare. At this session we will present you some of our latest projects, and talk about how we typical plan and complete a VuFind project and work with out customers; from the initial contact, the very early ideas, and how we work to capture requirements. At this session you will also hear more about how a project is organized, and the way we do iterative development, conduct user acceptance testing while we develop the solution, and best practice.
avatar for Charlotte Whitt

Charlotte Whitt

Senior Analyst. Product Owner, Index Data
avatar for Peter Murray

Peter Murray

Peter is a technologist with a librarian background and a keen sense of how to apply the right solution to a challenge. With training in the field of Systems Analysis, he is able to translate between librarian jargon and computing/networking jargon to bring the two worlds together... Read More →
Wednesday September 25, 2024 2:00pm - 2:50pm BST
G11 Senate House

2:00pm BST

Working with and in the GOKb - what's next?
Wednesday September 25, 2024 2:00pm - 2:50pm BST
Cooperation with the community is very important for the further development of the GOKb. We invite all users and interested parties to discuss the next steps and further developments with the GOKb team.

Christin Seegert

System Librarian GOKb & FOLIO, hbz, Cologne
avatar for Moritz Horn

Moritz Horn

GOKb Technical Lead, Common Library Network (VZG)
avatar for Daniel Rupp

Daniel Rupp

Product Owner GOKb, North Rhine-Westphalian Library Service Centre (hbz)
Wednesday September 25, 2024 2:00pm - 2:50pm BST
Brunswick G7 Senate House

3:00pm BST

Break (30 min)
Wednesday September 25, 2024 3:00pm - 3:30pm BST
Wednesday September 25, 2024 3:00pm - 3:30pm BST
Macmillan Hall Senate House

3:30pm BST

Level Up Your Upgrade Testing: How Libraries Test FOLIO Upgrades
Wednesday September 25, 2024 3:30pm - 4:20pm BST
Confused about what you should test when upgrading? Not sure how to managing testing for your staff? Come join our Implementers panel, where several libraries will share the very different ways they navigate this important and often confusing part of life as a FOLIO library! We'll talk through a few different strategies, look at the testing process from preparation to final verification, discuss common pitfalls (did you really check all your integrations?), and answer your questions about FOLIO upgrades.
avatar for Tara Barnett

Tara Barnett

Library Services Analyst, Index Data
avatar for Darsi Rueda

Darsi Rueda

Manager, Library Systems, Stanford Libraries
avatar for Jennifer Eustis

Jennifer Eustis

Librarian, Univesity of Massachusetts Amherst - W. E. B. Du Bois Library
avatar for Kathleen Berry

Kathleen Berry

Head, Information Resources Management, University of Massachusetts at Amherst/ Five Colleges
avatar for Thomas Trutt

Thomas Trutt

FOLIO Application Manager; PO Item States, Fee/Fines, Cornell University
Thomas has been with the Cornell University library system since 2000. He currently chairs both the FOLIO Support SIG and the FOLIO Security Sub-Committee. Since 2021, he has been actively involved in the FOLIO community, contributing to the RA-SIG and various sub-committees. Additionally... Read More →
avatar for Jeremy Huff

Jeremy Huff

Core System Librarian, Texas A&M University
avatar for Joseph Molloy

Joseph Molloy

IT Manager, Spokane Public Library

Aaron Neslin

Five Colleges System coordinator, Colleges
Wednesday September 25, 2024 3:30pm - 4:20pm BST
Beveridge Hall Senate House

3:30pm BST

New title: App interactions and platform formalization
Wednesday September 25, 2024 3:30pm - 4:20pm BST
This session is about application formalization, which aims at enabling FOLIO customizable platforms.
There will be a short re-cap of the Application/Platform formalization session that takes place on Tuesday September 24, 2024 4:30pm - 5:20pm BST (participation is not required for this session).
The main action will be to try to arrange applications into a FOLIO platform that makes sense from our app interaction/cross-app point of view. To achieve this members of the App Interaction SIG will participate as a group in the Application Formalization card sorting exercise.We will be using this exercise as a mechanism for discussion.
avatar for Martina Schildt

Martina Schildt

Systems Librarian, VZG | GBV
avatar for Kristin Martin

Kristin Martin

Director of Technical Services, University of Chicago
avatar for Laura Daniels

Laura Daniels

Acting Director, Cataloging & Metadata Services, Cornell University Library
Formerly known as: Laura Wright. I've been a part of the FOLIO community since 2017. I would love to talk about beer or see pictures of your dog (or cat).
Wednesday September 25, 2024 3:30pm - 4:20pm BST
G5 Senate House

3:30pm BST

RA SIG Working Meeting
Wednesday September 25, 2024 3:30pm - 4:20pm BST
A SIG focused meeting.
avatar for Jana Freytag

Jana Freytag

Systems librarian, Common Library Network GBV/VZG
Wednesday September 25, 2024 3:30pm - 4:20pm BST
Brunswick G7 Senate House

3:30pm BST

The cataloger is always right: How we use UX research and design principles for building the linked data editor in FOLIO
Wednesday September 25, 2024 3:30pm - 4:20pm BST
EBSCO relied heavily on UX create the wireframes incorporated into the linked data editor that will be launched in FOLIO in 2025. A key objective was to develop a design for the application that catalogers could “recognize” -- something that they could intuitively understand. UX research helped the EBSCO team understand cataloger priorities and needs for informing design decisions.

Douglas Loynes

Product Owner, ESBCO Information Services
Wednesday September 25, 2024 3:30pm - 4:20pm BST
G4 Senate House

3:30pm BST

VuFind® FOLIO Driver Development | VuFind: One organisation, one system, many uses!
Wednesday September 25, 2024 3:30pm - 4:20pm BST
VuFind® FOLIO Driver Development
This session will include an introduction to VuFind®'s ILS driver mechanism, some details about how the existing FOLIO driver is implemented, tips for developers who wish to improve the FOLIO driver, and time for collaborative development work.

VuFind: One organisation, one system, many uses!
In 2023 the Auckland University of Technology
(AUT), in Aotearoa New Zealand, ran two very different technical
projects with VuFind. VuFind instances were integrated with both Koha to
deliver an academic library search platform, and with DSpace as
a world-first rainbow collection research portal.

Alex Buckley

Developer, Catalyst IT
avatar for Demian Katz

Demian Katz

Director of Library Technology, Villanova University
Lead developer and community manager for the VuFind®, Geeby-Deeby and VuDL projects; participant in the Fedora Commons and Universal Viewer communities.

Craig Murdoch

Digital Development Senior Manager, Auckland University of Technology
Wednesday September 25, 2024 3:30pm - 4:20pm BST
G11 Senate House

4:30pm BST

Acquisitions automation review
Wednesday September 25, 2024 4:30pm - 5:20pm BST
Learn more about the existing automation tools in FOLIO and discuss FOLIO's plans for the future, including automated claiming, email order export and accounts payable system invoice update.
avatar for Joe Reimers

Joe Reimers

Senior Product Owner, EBSCO
Joe Reimers (MSLIS, Drexel University) has been a Product Owner at EBSCO specializing in Acquisitions and Enhanced Consortia Support since 2023. Prior to joining EBSCO, he worked as a sales engineer for 2 different library system vendors after spending over a decade as systems coordinator... Read More →
avatar for Dennis Bridges

Dennis Bridges

Principal Product Manager, EBSCO
Wednesday September 25, 2024 4:30pm - 5:20pm BST
G4 Senate House

4:30pm BST

Boosting the Folio’s testing quality
Wednesday September 25, 2024 4:30pm - 5:20pm BST
We’re currently facing some issues in testing Folio due to our dataset, migrations, and library-specific workflows. We believe that libraries can help us enhance the quality of Folio by collaborating with us to overcome these challenges. In this session, we’ll discuss potential solutions and opportunities for collaboration with libraries to improve the overall quality of Folio.
avatar for Yogesh Kumar

Yogesh Kumar

Head of Quality and Infrastructure, Ebsco Industries
Wednesday September 25, 2024 4:30pm - 5:20pm BST
G5 Senate House

4:30pm BST

Onboarding Community Teams - Lessons Learned
Wednesday September 25, 2024 4:30pm - 5:20pm BST
1) Review the process of onboarding new community development teams (was covered in the previous Wolfcon)
2) Discuss some results and outcomes of onboarding teams: what worked and what did not
Wednesday September 25, 2024 4:30pm - 5:20pm BST
G3 Senate House

4:30pm BST

The Workflow App: Development Update, Demonstration, and Future Plans
Wednesday September 25, 2024 4:30pm - 5:20pm BST
This session will showcase the current state of the Workflow App, and be an opportunity for rapid requirements gathering with those who attend. There will be a live demonstration of the latest Workflow App features, followed by a brainstorming session to provide guidance for future development.
avatar for Jeremy Huff

Jeremy Huff

Core System Librarian, Texas A&M University
Wednesday September 25, 2024 4:30pm - 5:20pm BST
Beveridge Hall Senate House

4:30pm BST

Understanding mod-search and indexing
Wednesday September 25, 2024 4:30pm - 5:20pm BST
A place to share knowledge about mod-search. How does it work, what customization options are available, what should be considered when upgrading and reindexing, what is missing?
avatar for Felix Hemme

Felix Hemme

Systems Librarian, ZBW / VZG

Antje Niemann

Library Computer Scientist, Head Office of GBV Göttingen
Wednesday September 25, 2024 4:30pm - 5:20pm BST
G11 Senate House

4:30pm BST

A case-study in FOLIO modularity: replacing mod-ldp with mod-reporting
Wednesday September 25, 2024 4:30pm - 5:20pm BST
From the earliest design of the FOLIO platform, it was constructed to be modular. The heart of every FOLIO system is a well-defined platform consisting of Okapi and some core modules to handle authentication and related concerns. This provides a surface onto which any module can be deployed — depending on some interfaces and providing others.

This approach provides multiple concrete benefits. First, it enforces a partitioning of concerns, with contract-defined API-based communication between modules. Second, it allows new functionality to be added as a module without requiring changes elsewhere in the system. Third, it allows multiple modules to provide alternative implementations of the same interface, with consumers of that interface neither knowing nor caring what module implements it.

FOLIO’s Reporting app consists of a UI module (ui-ldp) and a back-end module (mod-ldp) which communicates on the UI module’s behalf with the MetaDB datastore. mod-ldp is old code, written by a third party using tools alien to its maintainers, insecure in places, and badly in need of updates. We therefore decided to re-implement mod-ldp’s interface by a new module written in Go (mod-reporting). The new module is plug-compatible with the old, providing the same version of the same interface, and has been deployed in place of its predecessor with no problems whatsoever. The existing UI module has not been changed to accommodate it, and continues to work exactly as before.

Our experience provides an example of how such code upgrades can be performed, and provides a pathway for piecewise refreshment of parts of FOLIO as they age out. A similar technical approach can also enable the substitution of different implementations of an API, for example implementing a plug-compatible mod-fqm-manager replacement that runs queries against MetaDB.
avatar for Mike Taylor

Mike Taylor

Software Guy, Index Data
Michael Taylor is a Software Guy at Index Data, a boutique software house that has been creating open-source software for libraries since the early 1990s. He is also a Research Associate in dinosaur palaeontology at the University of Bristol, UK. He was one of theengineers on the... Read More →
Wednesday September 25, 2024 4:30pm - 5:20pm BST
Brunswick G7 Senate House
Thursday, September 26

8:15am BST

Registration open - coffee, networking
Thursday September 26, 2024 8:15am - 9:00am BST
Thursday September 26, 2024 8:15am - 9:00am BST
Macmillan Hall Senate House

9:00am BST

Plenary: OpenRS – Resource sharing for all
Thursday September 26, 2024 9:00am - 10:00am BST
This panel will feature leadership from the newest open-source initiative that will streamline resource sharing for consortia. Learn about the project’s mission to enable direct consortial borrowing for library consortia of all shapes and sizes. Learn about the governance structure of the project, the architectural design and roadmap and how to get involved.
avatar for Mark Allcock

Mark Allcock

Director, Product Management, EBSCO
Partnering with EBSCO - helping to develop FOLIO, being a channel partner of Folio Services from EBSCO or if you want to build an app on the FOLIO platform.
avatar for Donna Bacon

Donna Bacon

Executive Director, MOBIUS
I am the Executive Director of MOBIUS, a multi-type (mostly academic) 501(c)(3) library consortium for 80 libraries in Missouri and contiguous states.  We have a shared ILS and will go live with FOLIO and OpenRS in May 2024!  I currently serve on the leadership of the Open Library... Read More →
avatar for Scott Garrison

Scott Garrison

Executive Director, Midwest Collaborative for Library Services (MCLS)
avatar for Ian Ibbotson

Ian Ibbotson

Director of Knowledge Integration, EBSCO Information Services
Thursday September 26, 2024 9:00am - 10:00am BST
Beveridge Hall Senate House

10:00am BST

Break (30 min)
Thursday September 26, 2024 10:00am - 10:30am BST
Thursday September 26, 2024 10:00am - 10:30am BST
Macmillan Hall Senate House

10:30am BST

Application Formalization Workshop
Thursday September 26, 2024 10:30am - 11:20am BST
This workshop is designed to further advance the topic of Application Formalization for Folio. It will introduce and discuss analysis techniques for organizing the existing module-based Folio ecosystem and adding a new Application layer. An existing Folio domain will be selected and formalized into Applications as an exercise.
avatar for Vince Bareau

Vince Bareau

Architect, EBSCO
avatar for Craig McNally

Craig McNally

Principal Architect, EBSCO Information Services
Thursday September 26, 2024 10:30am - 11:20am BST
G4 Senate House

10:30am BST

Outcomes: Workflows and Electronic Resource Management
Thursday September 26, 2024 10:30am - 11:20am BST
This is a short session reporting back on the ideas generated and discussed in the "Workflows and Electronic Resource Management"
avatar for Owen Stephens

Owen Stephens

Consultant / Folio Product Owner, Owen Stephens Consulting Ltd
avatar for Jeremy Huff

Jeremy Huff

Core System Librarian, Texas A&M University
Thursday September 26, 2024 10:30am - 11:20am BST
Brunswick G7 Senate House

10:30am BST

Simplifying FOLIO work with jq
Thursday September 26, 2024 10:30am - 11:20am BST
FOLIO speaks in JSON, so being able to quickly extract data from JSON, convert it to a delimited format for reports, or modify it for maintenance purposes is extremely useful. Learn how to use jq, a lightweight standalone utility available for all platforms that can do all of these things in a single line quickly even when there are millions of lines
avatar for Kyle Banerjee

Kyle Banerjee

Implementation Consultant, EBSCO
Migrations, metadata, and APIs
Thursday September 26, 2024 10:30am - 11:20am BST
Beveridge Hall Senate House

10:30am BST

Development of new FOLIO features requested by customers: Case story Reminder Fees (Hebis and Index Data)
Thursday September 26, 2024 10:30am - 11:20am BST
Libraries preparing to go live on FOLIO typical conduct a GAPs analysis reviewing FOLIO's current state of feature development. In some cases they identify missing functionality, which for that given institution is a road blocker for them to go live. At this session you will learn about how a development project with an Index Data development team typical is organized, and how we work with the library - from the very early start to Bugfest test, and even beyond go live. Communication and collaboration about the new requirements with the community and other development teams is happening in parallel, all of this to make sure the new work aligns with the FOLIO communities expectations, and that new development can be adopted, not just by the funding institution, but other interested parties as well.
avatar for Charlotte Whitt

Charlotte Whitt

Senior Analyst. Product Owner, Index Data
avatar for Nina Morgenstern

Nina Morgenstern

Systems Librarian, hebis
Thursday September 26, 2024 10:30am - 11:20am BST
G3 Senate House

10:30am BST

The Buds in the Bouquet: The Experiences of a Small, Special Library in a Shared Tenant LSP
Thursday September 26, 2024 10:30am - 11:20am BST
This session will explore the experiences of two small, special library which exists as a shared tenant with larger university libraries in a FOLIO system. We will discuss the benefits and challenges of being the smaller and specialist library buddied with a larger library within the same FOLIO tenant. In one case, the larger library supplies much of the labor and a larger proportion of the funding for the system; however, the smaller library independently performs the same processes and has developed their own workflows to accommodate a significantly smaller workforce. In the second library, the tenant division is more equitable, but difficulties with transparency and maintenance responsibility make collaboration and smooth transition between updates difficult. The presenters will discuss how to optimize a shared tenant as a much smaller special library, what pitfalls can occur, and their recommendation for best practices for the special library’s administration and maintenance of the shared tenant.

Lauren Seney

AD and Head of Resource Access & Discovery, CU Boulder Law Library

Rebecca Ciota

Technology & Web Services Librarian, University of Colorado Law School
Thursday September 26, 2024 10:30am - 11:20am BST
G5 Senate House

10:30am BST

The Beginnings of Open Research Usage in the Global South
Thursday September 26, 2024 10:30am - 11:20am BST
This presentation explores Open Research at the University of Johannesburg (UJ) in South Africa. The paper outlines how the Research Data Management (RDM) site, managed by the UJ Library has become an active site for research data storage, but the challenges faced in encouraging researchers to use open research stored on the site. The paper is divided into two sections. The first examines the process of encouraging researchers to upload, catalogue and share their data sets on the RDM site. This discussion looks at the practice at UJ and compares it to the experience of 10 other libraries in South Africa who have RDM sites. The data for this section was collected through an online survey. The second part of the paper discusses the researcher sentiments about using research data sets on the RDM site for their own research. This section is based on qualitative semi-structured interviews conducted with 10 academics who have datasets hosted on the site and 10 who do not have datasets hosted on the site. The findings of this section point out the challenges and concerns researchers have about using open data on the RDM site. The paper concludes by outlining the work that librarians and the research officers have to do to help researchers understand how to use open data effectively.
Thursday September 26, 2024 10:30am - 11:20am BST
G11 Senate House

11:30am BST

Best practise - FOLIO documentation in institutions
Thursday September 26, 2024 11:30am - 12:20pm BST
Institutions use the FOLIO documentation in different ways - presentations and exchange

Katharina Jung

System librarian, Bibliotheksservice-Zentrum Baden-Württemberg (BSZ)
Thursday September 26, 2024 11:30am - 12:20pm BST
Beveridge Hall Senate House

11:30am BST

FOLIO Implementation at Stanford: Panel o’ SMEs
Thursday September 26, 2024 11:30am - 12:20pm BST
In August 2023, Stanford migrated from both Symphony and Voyager libraries to a shared single FOLIO tenant with libraries under 5 separate organizational structures. Our subject matter experts (SMEs) will describe how we organized ourselves, how we govern our quasi-consortium, our decision-making process, training and documentation plans, and how we got the work done on time!
avatar for Darsi Rueda

Darsi Rueda

Manager, Library Systems, Stanford Libraries

Suzette Cañeda

Assistant Head, Acquisitions, Stanford Libraries

Jeanette Kalchik

Head, Data & E-resources Control, Stanford Libraries
avatar for Catherine Descanzo

Catherine Descanzo

Sr. Assistant Head, Access Services (Circulation), Stanford Libraries
Thursday September 26, 2024 11:30am - 12:20pm BST
Brunswick G7 Senate House

11:30am BST

FOLIO Reporting: Using Multiple Methods to Meet Reporting Needs
Thursday September 26, 2024 11:30am - 12:20pm BST
The University of Missouri will discuss how they met librarians’ FOLIO data and reporting needs through the FOLIO UI, API queries and EBSCO’s data analytics platform Panorama. Topics include issues related to consortium reporting and how we used a combination of reporting methods to fill in data gaps. Topics include apps and delivered reports in the FOLIO UI, customized workbooks and dashboards in Panorama, and Postman Flows with options to input data, such as barcodes or UUIDs.

avatar for Katie Rahman

Katie Rahman

Systems LIbrarian, University of MIssouri

Jaleh Fazelian

Associate Dean of Libraries, University of Missouri St. Louis
Thursday September 26, 2024 11:30am - 12:20pm BST
G5 Senate House

11:30am BST

Product Owners Meeting
Thursday September 26, 2024 11:30am - 12:20pm BST
In person meet up with FOLIO POs and anyone interested in becoming a PO.
- Announcements
- Pick a topic to discuss
avatar for Dennis Bridges

Dennis Bridges

Principal Product Manager, EBSCO

Khalilah Gambrell

FOLIO Product Owner, EBSCO Information Services
avatar for Owen Stephens

Owen Stephens

Consultant / Folio Product Owner, Owen Stephens Consulting Ltd
Thursday September 26, 2024 11:30am - 12:20pm BST
G4 Senate House

11:30am BST

May it be so: Out from the wilderness of FOLIO operations
Thursday September 26, 2024 11:30am - 12:20pm BST
The flexible and modular design of FOLIO is one of its main attractions, but that design can make it a complex and costly system to deploy and manage. System operators need to dig deep into the "how" of FOLIO deployment in their specific environment, and every organization new to FOLIO hosting must work out for themselves best practices for sustainable operations.

Part of the promise of FOLIO was that the modularity of its design and container-based ecosystem would help to manage all this complexity, while delivering greater flexibility for developing innovative library services. Has this promise failed us?

This session will introduce ongoing work on a Kubernetes controller for FOLIO systems that uses Kubernetes manifests to manage FOLIO module deployment, discovery, and tenants. Using the strategy of declarative configuration management, in keeping with the Kubernetes model, allows best practices to be baked in, and can build on prior work on application bundling and the ongoing work on application and platform formalization to simplify FOLIO deployment and operations.

Wayne Schneider

Software Engineer, Index Data
Thursday September 26, 2024 11:30am - 12:20pm BST
G3 Senate House

11:30am BST

Reminder fees in FOLIO - what it is and how it works | ReShare adds ILL support to FOLIO in Germany
Thursday September 26, 2024 11:30am - 12:20pm BST
Reminder fees in FOLIO - what it is and how it works
This session gives an overview about the new developed reminder fee funcionality in FOLIO published with Quesnelia release. This is an critical requirement for the libraries of hebis for go live of circulation, an useful functionality for the German libraries and of course could be used and enhanced by FOLIO community in general. The presentation explains the need for it, how it works and wraps up the functionalities developed.;

ReShare adds ILL support to FOLIO in Germany
BSZ and BVB have partnered with Index Data to implement support for the regional resource-sharing infrastructure by incorporating ReShare’s “Returnable” apps into their SaaS setup, and by extending ReShare to support the SLNP (Simple Library Network Protocol) which is used by the ZFL ILL broker platform. The adaptation included building an ISO18626-SLNP gateway and extending ReShare to enable it to operate within a centralized resource-sharing environment.

We hope to give a practical demonstration of the interplay with the resource-sharing infrastructure, which includes a shared catalog (CBS) and the ZFL service, and discuss how the work may benefit both ReShare and FOLIO going forward.

BSZ is the Library Service Center in Baden-Württemberg, BVB is the Bavarian Library Network.
avatar for Sebastian Hammer

Sebastian Hammer

President and Co-Founder, Index Data
Co-founder of Index Data. Passionate about interoperable systems and collaborative software projects. I have worked with library technology for the better part of three decades.
avatar for Nina Morgenstern

Nina Morgenstern

Systems Librarian, hebis
avatar for Susanne Schuster

Susanne Schuster

Deputy head of department, Bibliotheksservice-Zentrum Baden-Württemberg
Thursday September 26, 2024 11:30am - 12:20pm BST
G11 Senate House

12:30pm BST

Lunch (60 min)
Thursday September 26, 2024 12:30pm - 1:30pm BST
Thursday September 26, 2024 12:30pm - 1:30pm BST
Macmillan Hall Senate House

1:30pm BST

Inventory & MARC authority Search Prioritization
Thursday September 26, 2024 1:30pm - 2:20pm BST
This session aims to gather feedback on prioritizing enhancements to both Inventory and MARC authority app searching. We will be walking through existing features - and brainstorming new ones - to help guide roadmaps for enhancing the search experience. Topics may include browsing, schema changes, indexing, and operators, supporting discovery and allowing users to craft more precise search queries. New ideas and feedback are encouraged, as understanding pain points and opportunities is the main objective of this session.
avatar for Christine Schultz-Richert

Christine Schultz-Richert

Product Owner, EBSCO
Thursday September 26, 2024 1:30pm - 2:20pm BST
Beveridge Hall Senate House

1:30pm BST

The Embedded Community PO: Partnering to Optimize FOLIO Development
Thursday September 26, 2024 1:30pm - 2:20pm BST
Active FOLIO community members represent a rich source of library operational knowledge and are highly interested in the success of the FOLIO product. Join us to learn what happens when community members join FOLIO development teams and other Product Owners in order to optimize development.
avatar for Anne E. Ekblad

Anne E. Ekblad

Product Owner - FOLIO, EBSCO Information Services
Anne E. Ekblad is an Agile Product Owner for FOLIO. Prior to joining EBSCO in February 2023, Anne worked in both special technical research and public libraries supporting and leading ILS, cataloging, and collection development / management efforts. A degreed librarian with a passion... Read More →
avatar for Amelia Sutton

Amelia Sutton

Library Serv Platform Admin, University of Massacshuestts Amherst - W. E. B. Du Bois Library
avatar for Thomas Trutt

Thomas Trutt

FOLIO Application Manager; PO Item States, Fee/Fines, Cornell University
Thomas has been with the Cornell University library system since 2000. He currently chairs both the FOLIO Support SIG and the FOLIO Security Sub-Committee. Since 2021, he has been actively involved in the FOLIO community, contributing to the RA-SIG and various sub-committees. Additionally... Read More →
Thursday September 26, 2024 1:30pm - 2:20pm BST
G3 Senate House

1:30pm BST

BYOP - Bring your own Patron Service
Thursday September 26, 2024 1:30pm - 2:20pm BST
Before the era of established discovery systems like EDS and VuFind, the Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Bremen took a solitary step in 2000 by developing its own discovery system that includes various document types -- not just physical books. This talk will discuss the process of developing an open-source patron service using Okapi endpoints, highlighting the challenges encountered along the way. The focus will also be on the inclusivity of our system, designed to be usable beyond our library, inviting wider adoption. Despite the hurdles, the project underscores the potential for libraries to craft tailored solutions that meet their unique needs. This presentation aims to share insights and experiences from our transition, offering a realistic perspective on the possibilities and pain points of library system development. Our Patron Service will be released as Open Source in Summer 2024: https://gitlab.suub.uni-bremen.de/public-projects/folio/patron-service

Marie-Saphira Flug

Software Engineer, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Bremen
Thursday September 26, 2024 1:30pm - 2:20pm BST
G5 Senate House

1:30pm BST

A guide to a boring and uneventful FOLIO Go-Live
Thursday September 26, 2024 1:30pm - 2:20pm BST
We'll walk through the process of migrating to FOLIO and how to structure your project so that you address potential risks and will have prepared for the go-live day such that when it comes, there are no surprises, no drama, and things just work as planned.
avatar for Mike Gorrell

Mike Gorrell

Managing Director, Index Data
avatar for Tara Barnett

Tara Barnett

Library Services Analyst, Index Data
Thursday September 26, 2024 1:30pm - 2:20pm BST
G11 Senate House

1:30pm BST

GOKb Community - How we work with many different librarians and unite as a community (Feedback and development) | Pitfalls of KBART Editing | The Global Open Knowledgebase (GOKb)
Thursday September 26, 2024 1:30pm - 2:20pm BST
The Global Open Knowledgebase (GOKb)
A brief introduction to the GOKb and the advantages of using the GOKb for FOLIO libraries.

GOKb Community - How we work with many different librarians and unite as a community (Feedback and development)
The community is the center from which the continuing development of the GOKb starts. In close cooperation with the FOLIO libraries, the system is gradually being perfected for use. We would like to present how this cooperation affects the development.

Pitfalls of KBART Editing
How do I prepare a KBART file for import into GOKb using standard spreadsheet software and how do I avoid common mistakes when editing these files?

avatar for Daniel Rupp

Daniel Rupp

Product Owner GOKb, North Rhine-Westphalian Library Service Centre (hbz)

Christin Seegert

System Librarian GOKb & FOLIO, hbz, Cologne
Thursday September 26, 2024 1:30pm - 2:20pm BST
Brunswick G7 Senate House

1:30pm BST

Serials and binding: development update, functional scope and community funding process
Thursday September 26, 2024 1:30pm - 3:20pm BST
This working session around serials management and binding functionality is intended to get us from "this is the functionality we've built" to "how do we get where we need to go in the long run?". Product owners Joe Reimers (binding) and Owen Stephens (serials management) together with Peter Sbrzesny will show what functionality is already developed and ask for feedback on future requirements related to both areas.
Kirstin Kemner-Heek will present on how the future work can be funded and discuss with the audience what can be done to get further requirements financed.
avatar for Owen Stephens

Owen Stephens

Consultant / Folio Product Owner, Owen Stephens Consulting Ltd
avatar for Kirstin Kemner-Heek

Kirstin Kemner-Heek

Head of Library Management Systems Department, Verbundzentrale des GBV
avatar for Peter Sbrzesny

Peter Sbrzesny

Systems Librarian, Gemeinsamer Bibliotheksverbund (GBV)
avatar for Joe Reimers

Joe Reimers

Senior Product Owner, EBSCO
Joe Reimers (MSLIS, Drexel University) has been a Product Owner at EBSCO specializing in Acquisitions and Enhanced Consortia Support since 2023. Prior to joining EBSCO, he worked as a sales engineer for 2 different library system vendors after spending over a decade as systems coordinator... Read More →
Thursday September 26, 2024 1:30pm - 3:20pm BST
G4 Senate House

2:00pm BST

Break (30 min)
Thursday September 26, 2024 2:00pm - 2:30pm BST
Thursday September 26, 2024 2:00pm - 2:30pm BST
Macmillan Hall Senate House

2:30pm BST

Calendars Workshop: Set Up, Manage, and Troubleshoot Your FOLIO Calendars
Thursday September 26, 2024 2:30pm - 3:20pm BST
This interactive session will demonstrate how to use Calendars in FOLIO for public services (front-facing library operations). Specifically, participants will be introduced to the set up, functionalities, and management of their Calendars, including, but not limited to, assigning a service point, managing multiple service points, and troubleshooting calendar issues. This session will also share best practices for calendar management in public services as well as training and support resources.  
avatar for Jana Freytag

Jana Freytag

Systems librarian, Common Library Network GBV/VZG
avatar for Christine Tobias

Christine Tobias

Coordinator for Public Services, Michigan State University Libraries
avatar for Erin Weller

Erin Weller

Head of Access Services, Michigan State University
Thursday September 26, 2024 2:30pm - 3:20pm BST
G3 Senate House

2:30pm BST

Further development of FOLIO Query Machine (FQM) and Lists Application: sophisticated reports and data security
Thursday September 26, 2024 2:30pm - 3:20pm BST
Showcasing latest improvements to FQM. The ability to produce sophisticated reports through joining multiple simple Entities and creating Composite Entity Types. Improved data security through granular permissions on Entity Types.
avatar for Vince Bareau

Vince Bareau

Architect, EBSCO

Matt Weaver

Software Engineer, EBSCO
Thursday September 26, 2024 2:30pm - 3:20pm BST
G11 Senate House

2:30pm BST

Migration to FOLIO
Thursday September 26, 2024 2:30pm - 3:20pm BST
It is essential to clearly understand your current system, data, and migration goals/objectives. A detailed project plan, including timelines and resources, is also crucial. Communication and collaboration between the project team and stakeholders are critical to a smooth transition and a boring go-live day.
Moderators Speakers
Thursday September 26, 2024 2:30pm - 3:20pm BST
Brunswick G7 Senate House

2:30pm BST

Collaboration Between Cataloging, Authorities Management, and Discovery in FOLIO and VuFind
Thursday September 26, 2024 2:30pm - 3:20pm BST
In this session, the presenters will provide a holistic view of the impact of cataloging and authority management workflows on discovery at Michigan State University Libraries (MSUL). The presentation will describe various cataloging and authority management procedures within FOLIO and discuss how they impact the MSUL public catalog (VuFind). Time will also be spent discussing how MSUL coordinates collaboration between catalogers, authority managers, and system administrators to improve VuFind display and functionality. Examples of cataloging and authority management projects that demonstrate how these tools work together will also be provided, including work toward harmful language remediation. Finally, the presenters will show examples of FOLIO documentation and provide some tips for working within FOLIO. We hope that this session will encourage workflow sharing among FOLIO and VuFind institutions especially in discussions around how cataloging decisions impact discovery.

Lisa Lorenzo

Authorities Librarian, Michigan State University
avatar for Autumn Faulkner

Autumn Faulkner

Interim Head of Cataloging & Metadata Services, Michigan State University
Interim Head of Cataloging & Metadata Services at Michigan State University Libraries; former Head of Copy Cataloging since 2013. MSUL became a FOLIO library in 2022.
avatar for Nicole Smeltekop

Nicole Smeltekop

Interim Head of Copy-Cataloging, Michigan State University
Thursday September 26, 2024 2:30pm - 3:20pm BST
Beveridge Hall Senate House

2:30pm BST

ReShare Digital
Thursday September 26, 2024 2:30pm - 3:20pm BST
In our digital world, libraries are critical in ensuring everyone has equitable and reliable access to verifiable information. However, at the same time as demands for digital resources grow, libraries encounter new challenges alongside traditional operational and budgetary constraints related to managing print inventories, such as rising delivery fees and remote storage costs. In addition to the problem of equitable access, valuable non-digital content (particularly materials with no ebook surrogate) are more difficult to discover as electronic titles flood the marketplace. These challenges underscore the importance of fostering responsible partnerships within the content and library-sharing ecosystems.

Recognizing this need, Project ReShare has developed ReShare Digital, an extension of the ReShare platform already in use by more than 150 libraries and five consortia, across the U.S., to provide a new and transformative vision for digital lending solutions. ReShare Digital’s suite of services reflect ReShare members' collective commitment to utilizing enhanced tools for digital lending on their terms, whether through traditional document delivery, Controlled Digital Lending (CDL), owned library materials, or licensed e-books.

During the presentation, attendees will have the opportunity to explore the core features of ReShare Digital, with modules slated to initially support the sharing of library-owned materials, licensed e-books, and CDL methods with integrated inventory and access controls. Presenters will also discuss ongoing efforts to collaborate with publishers as partners, leveraging existing provider agreements for e-book interlibrary loan (ILL) transactions as well as forge new business models such as library-hosted digital titles.

The presentation will conclude with a model for implementing ISO 18626 communication standards, illustrating how these standards could facilitate the sharing of digital materials beyond existing ReShare groups. This approach aims to enhance collaboration and expand access to digital resources across the library community. The presentation will also discuss proposed use cases for the next version of ISO18626 that would support further digital lending.

This presentation offers valuable insights into the future of digital lending in libraries by showcasing ReShare Digital’s flexibility and discussing strategies for collaboration with publishers and the broader library community. Attendees will gain practical knowledge and actionable steps for navigating the digital landscape while upholding principles of equitable access and responsible stewardship of digital resources - a core tenant value of Project ReShare's platform cooperative.
Moderators Speakers
avatar for Sebastian Hammer

Sebastian Hammer

President and Co-Founder, Index Data
Co-founder of Index Data. Passionate about interoperable systems and collaborative software projects. I have worked with library technology for the better part of three decades.
avatar for Charlie Barlow

Charlie Barlow

Executive Director, Boston Library Consortium
Thursday September 26, 2024 2:30pm - 3:20pm BST
G5 Senate House

4:00pm BST

ECS: Circulation and Shared Cataloging
Thursday September 26, 2024 4:00pm - 4:50pm BST
This presentation will convey exciting new developments for ECS (Enhanced Consortial Support). This includes the ability to share bibliographic records and coordinate circulation between member tenants. It will also highlight the flexibility of the ECS model to fit different multi-tenant configurations (such as at the Library of Congress).
avatar for Vince Bareau

Vince Bareau

Architect, EBSCO
Thursday September 26, 2024 4:00pm - 4:50pm BST
G4 Senate House

4:00pm BST

FOLIO: Hear from the First Sites in Four Countries
Thursday September 26, 2024 4:00pm - 4:50pm BST
FOLIO has become a global phenomenon. This panel will hear from libraries that represent the first sites in their respective countries. They will discuss their decision to move to FOLIO, their implementation process and roadmap and where they are now in the process.
avatar for Rachel Fadlon

Rachel Fadlon

VP Marketing, EBSCO
avatar for Rachel Besara

Rachel Besara

Associate Dean, Missouri State University Libraries

Susan Sandiford

Campus Librarian/Chief University Librarian, University of Trinidad & Tobago
avatar for Dr. Shirlene Neerputh

Dr. Shirlene Neerputh

Director: Library Services, University of Western Cape, South Africa
Dr Shirlene Neerputh is the Director of Library Services at the University of the Western Cape. Her career spans more than 35 years in higher education library professional experience. Dr Neerputh envisages re-positioning the Library towards strategic alliances for academic success... Read More →

Paula Andrea Díaz Fuentes

Subdirectora de Bibliotecas, Universidad de Concepción, Chile
Thursday September 26, 2024 4:00pm - 4:50pm BST
G3 Senate House

4:00pm BST

MARC My Words: Navigating the BIBFRAME Frontier
Thursday September 26, 2024 4:00pm - 4:50pm BST
The library community is still exploring what will replace MARC-based copy cataloging as the metadata paradigm of the future. FOLIO’s bibliographic data model is intended to lend itself well to this exploration, and we have already seen multiple models developed and in production. While BIBFRAME is the most likely replacement for MARC today, this change challenges many existing library practices and working relationships with vendors, etc. Lehigh University, the Share-VDE (SVDE) technical team, and Index Data have embarked on a project to bridge the gap between traditional cataloging workflows and emerging collaborative entity management practices by integrating FOLIO and SVDE. This initiative aims to facilitate a hybrid cataloging environment that retains support for existing MARC-based integrations while developing the flexibility and interconnectedness offered by BIBFRAME.

Meanwhile, the Library of Congress, in a transition process for its library management system, is also exploring new approaches. Working with a vendor capable of supplying shelf-ready metadata in BIBFRAME, the Library is exploring both how crosswalking to MARC aligns with current processing pipelines and data flows and, ultimately, how this metadata fits within the Library’s FOLIO deployment.

In this shared discussion, we hope to spark conversations and reflections about the larger implications of the move from MARC to BIBFRAME, what emergent best practices might look like; systems integration patterns, staff workflows, and more.

Wayne Schneider

Software Engineer, Index Data
avatar for Boaz Nadav Manes

Boaz Nadav Manes

University Librarian, Lehigh University
Boaz Nadav-Manes is Lehigh University Librarian. He develops services, programs and activities with campus and community partners that lead to the success of students, faculty, staff, and broader community members. In addition, Boaz provides leadership and overall direction to the... Read More →
avatar for Tiziana Possemato

Tiziana Possemato

Founder and COO of @CULT SRL, @CULT SRL
My interest is in metadata flow, with all practices related to them. My passion is in linked open data, and how they are changing our vision and our approach to work.

Nate Trail

Linked Data Specialist, Library of Congress
Thursday September 26, 2024 4:00pm - 4:50pm BST
Beveridge Hall Senate House

4:00pm BST

Self Hosting in a New Architectural Platform
Thursday September 26, 2024 4:00pm - 4:50pm BST
Addressing deployment concerns when moving from the Okapi to the Eureka platform architecture. Discussion of experiences, observations and challenges.
Moderators Speakers
Thursday September 26, 2024 4:00pm - 4:50pm BST
G11 Senate House

4:00pm BST

SIG Conveners Meeting
Thursday September 26, 2024 4:00pm - 4:50pm BST
This is the annual in person meeting of the SIG Conveners.
avatar for Jana Freytag

Jana Freytag

Systems librarian, Common Library Network GBV/VZG
Thursday September 26, 2024 4:00pm - 4:50pm BST
Brunswick G7 Senate House

4:00pm BST

Your voice matters: contributing to the community
Thursday September 26, 2024 4:00pm - 4:50pm BST
Open source projects rely on community engagement at every level, regardless of seniority or expertise. This session will explore ways for users of all levels to contribute to the project. Though geared primarily toward FOLIO, the principles apply to any open source project.
avatar for Joe Reimers

Joe Reimers

Senior Product Owner, EBSCO
Joe Reimers (MSLIS, Drexel University) has been a Product Owner at EBSCO specializing in Acquisitions and Enhanced Consortia Support since 2023. Prior to joining EBSCO, he worked as a sales engineer for 2 different library system vendors after spending over a decade as systems coordinator... Read More →
avatar for Thomas Trutt

Thomas Trutt

FOLIO Application Manager; PO Item States, Fee/Fines, Cornell University
Thomas has been with the Cornell University library system since 2000. He currently chairs both the FOLIO Support SIG and the FOLIO Security Sub-Committee. Since 2021, he has been actively involved in the FOLIO community, contributing to the RA-SIG and various sub-committees. Additionally... Read More →
Thursday September 26, 2024 4:00pm - 4:50pm BST
G5 Senate House
Friday, September 27

9:00am BST

FOLIO: Community Council
Friday September 27, 2024 9:00am - 12:00pm BST
avatar for Mike Gorrell

Mike Gorrell

Managing Director, Index Data
avatar for Simeon Warner

Simeon Warner

AUL for IT and Open Scholarship, Cornell University
Friday September 27, 2024 9:00am - 12:00pm BST
TBA Senate House

9:00am BST

FOLIO: Product Council
Friday September 27, 2024 9:00am - 12:00pm BST
avatar for Alexis Manheim

Alexis Manheim

AUL for Technical and Access Services, Stanford Libraries
Alexis Manheim joined the staff of the Acquisitions Department in the Stanford University Libraries as the Electronic Resources & Technology Librarian in 2010. After starting her career working in reference and government and legal information, she made her way into technical services... Read More →
avatar for Kristin Martin

Kristin Martin

Director of Technical Services, University of Chicago
Friday September 27, 2024 9:00am - 12:00pm BST
TBA Senate House

9:00am BST

FOLIO: Technical Council
Friday September 27, 2024 9:00am - 12:00pm BST
avatar for Jeremy Huff

Jeremy Huff

Core System Librarian, Texas A&M University
avatar for Craig McNally

Craig McNally

Principal Architect, EBSCO Information Services
Friday September 27, 2024 9:00am - 12:00pm BST
TBA Senate House

1:00pm BST

FOLIO: Cross-Council Meeting
Friday September 27, 2024 1:00pm - 4:00pm BST
Friday September 27, 2024 1:00pm - 4:00pm BST
TBA Senate House

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  • Any service that may have potential to integrate with an ILS/LSP
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  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Every discovery front end to FOLIO' (including VuFind)
  • General Open Source Development
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  • Research Data Management and dataset sharing
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  • VuFind®