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Monday, September 23

1:00pm BST

VuFind® workshop: Enhancing Access and Utilization
Monday September 23, 2024 1:00pm - 4:00pm BST
Pre-conference workshops are in-person only and require a separate registration fee ($100). You may register for workshops on the regular WOLFcon registration page.

Objective: The half-day workshop aims to provide participants with practical knowledge and skills to effectively utilize the VuFind® open source discovery software for research, teaching, and learning purposes.

Prerequisites: Participants should bring computers with network capabilities and an SSH client (e.g. PuTTY) for connecting to servers during exercises. Some exercises will involve editing files and running simple commands on the Unix command line; familiarity with basic Unix/Linux commands is recommended but not required.

Workshop Outline:
00:00-00:30 – Lecture: Introduction to VuFind® (what is it, why is it useful, and what are its key features?)
00:30-00:45 – Lecture: How can you obtain data? (OAI-PMH, MARC, XML and CSV will be explained)
00:45-01:00 – Hands-on exercise: harvesting data (using pre-configured virtual servers)
• MARC data from Koha ILS via OAI-PMH.
• XML data from DSpace via OAI-PMH.
01:00-01:30 – Lecture: How can you import data?
Discussion will cover multiple format-specific import tools:
• MARC obtained from the ILS (e.g. FOLIO, Koha, etc.)
• XML from repository systems (e.g. DSpace, SubjectsPlus, etc.)
• Comma delimited CSV for data entered in Excel or Libre Office Calc
01:30-01:45 – Exercise: Import the harvested MARC records and XML data from the prior exercise, including custom settings to support alert and notifications (SDI) functionality.
01:45-02:00 – Break/Q&A time
02:00-02:30 – Lecture: sitemaps, web crawling and combined search
02:30-03:00 – Final exercise: set up web crawling, crawl an example Wordpress site, configure combined search to display side-by-side with MARC and XML results indexed in previous exercise.
03:00-03:30 – Final Q&A; discussion of possible next steps including books released by VuFind® for Koha ILS, WordPress, DSpace and SubjectsPlus integrated with VuFind®, API and Plugins.

• Participants will gain know-how and skills to navigate and utilize VuFind® software effectively.
• Enhanced research capabilities and access to a wider range of scholarly materials.
• Improved teaching and learning outcomes through the integration of VuFind® with Koha ILS, DSpace, WordPress and SubjectsPlus.
• Networking opportunities with peers and experts in the field.
• Participant feedback surveys will be done to assess the workshop's effectiveness and areas for improvement.
• Post-workshop follow-up support for further assistance and guidance will be provided for 5 days through Zoom.

By integrating these strategies and best practices, researchers, library professionals and educators can effectively leverage VuFind® software to enhance the quality and impact of their research projects and teaching materials, while also promoting responsible use of digital content.
Moderators Speakers
avatar for Chris Hallberg

Chris Hallberg

Library Technology Development Specialist, Villanova University
VuFind developer, lead on UX.
Monday September 23, 2024 1:00pm - 4:00pm BST
G4 Senate House
Tuesday, September 24

11:00am BST

Stripes Framework - Past-Present-Future
Tuesday September 24, 2024 11:00am - 11:50am BST
Stripes has been FOLIO's front-end UI library-of-libraries since the early days. We'll reminisce about the history of the platform a bit, inform on the present state of components, libraries, and resources. And present a forward-looking roadmap and possible upcoming features.
Moderators Speakers
avatar for Zak Burke

Zak Burke

Software Engineer, EBSCO Information Systems
Tuesday September 24, 2024 11:00am - 11:50am BST
G4 Senate House

1:00pm BST

ERM Experience Exchange
Tuesday September 24, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm BST
This session is about exchanging experiences in working with FOLIO ERM apps.
The ERM Community is invited to show - by presenting their use of ERM apps - what works well for them and where they would like to see improvement.

There are multiple options to engage: Libraries can share their experiences either in person or remotely, demos can be pre-recorded and then discussed during the session and they can be long or short.

If you would like to talk us through your workflow to help align real-life needs and development, please contact: Martina.Schildt@gbv.de.
Please indicate: what aspects of FOLIO ERM will you focus on and how long will your demo approximately take - to enable an accurate session planning.
avatar for Martina Schildt

Martina Schildt

Systems Librarian, VZG | GBV
Tuesday September 24, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm BST
G4 Senate House

2:00pm BST

FOLIO Product Owner AMA (Ask Me Anything)
Tuesday September 24, 2024 2:00pm - 2:50pm BST
A panel of product owners will answer questions about pretty much anything FOLIO-related. All are welcome to attend, all product owners are welcome to be panelists.

Khalilah Gambrell

FOLIO Product Owner, EBSCO Information Services
Tuesday September 24, 2024 2:00pm - 2:50pm BST
G4 Senate House

3:30pm BST

Bulk Edit and List App Working Group Meeting
Tuesday September 24, 2024 3:30pm - 4:20pm BST
This session will begin with a brief overview of the current state of the Bulk Edit and Lists apps, followed by presentations from:
  • Jeanette Kalchik, Head of Data and E-resources Control in Metadata Services at Stanford University
  • Jennifer Eustis, Metadata Librarian at the University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • Lynne Fors, Metadata and Cataloging Librarian at Wellesley College
They will share their experiences using these apps in production environments. The session will conclude with an overview of the new functionality planned for the upcoming Ramsons and Sunflower releases.
avatar for Magda Zacharska

Magda Zacharska

Product Manager, EBSCO|FOLIO
avatar for Jennifer Eustis

Jennifer Eustis

Librarian, Univesity of Massachusetts Amherst - W. E. B. Du Bois Library

Jeanette Kalchik

Head, Data & E-resources Control, Stanford Libraries
avatar for Kathleen Moore

Kathleen Moore

Senior Product Owner, EBSCO | FOLIO
avatar for Lynne Fors

Lynne Fors

Metadata and Cataloging Librarian, Wellesley College
Tuesday September 24, 2024 3:30pm - 4:20pm BST
G4 Senate House

4:30pm BST

”That still only counts as one!” Lessons learned from a consortial ERM migration to FOLIO”
Tuesday September 24, 2024 4:30pm - 5:20pm BST
In Winter 2024, as part of the larger migration of the 63 member MOBIUS library consortium to FOLIO, we migrated 60 of those institutions to the FOLIO ERM apps (Organizations, Agreements, Licenses, and eHoldings). This session will discuss the background, context, methodology, data gathering, and data migration aspects of our approach, as well as the outcome and lessons learned for future consortial FOLIO ERM migrations.
avatar for Zorian Sasyk

Zorian Sasyk

EBSCO FOLIO Implementation Consultant, EBSCO Information Services
FOLIO Implementation | Electronic Resource Management and Lifecycle | Open Source Software in Libraries
Tuesday September 24, 2024 4:30pm - 5:20pm BST
G4 Senate House
Wednesday, September 25

1:00pm BST

Eureka Folio’s Manager Applications
Wednesday September 25, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm BST
The Eureka Folio platform introduces three new Manager Applications: Application Manager; Tenant Manager; Tenant Entitlement Manager. This presentation details how they interact and how they are used together to manage a Eureka Folio installation.
avatar for Vince Bareau

Vince Bareau

Architect, EBSCO
avatar for Craig McNally

Craig McNally

Principal Architect, EBSCO Information Services
Wednesday September 25, 2024 1:00pm - 1:50pm BST
G4 Senate House

2:00pm BST

Folio’s Next Generation AuthN/Z with Eureka
Wednesday September 25, 2024 2:00pm - 2:50pm BST
The Eureka Folio platform introduces Keycloak for handling all its authentication and authorization needs. This technical discussion gets into the details of how Keycloak integrates to Folio the benefits and possibilities that it brings.
avatar for Vince Bareau

Vince Bareau

Architect, EBSCO
avatar for Craig McNally

Craig McNally

Principal Architect, EBSCO Information Services
Wednesday September 25, 2024 2:00pm - 2:50pm BST
G4 Senate House

3:30pm BST

The cataloger is always right: How we use UX research and design principles for building the linked data editor in FOLIO
Wednesday September 25, 2024 3:30pm - 4:20pm BST
EBSCO relied heavily on UX create the wireframes incorporated into the linked data editor that will be launched in FOLIO in 2025. A key objective was to develop a design for the application that catalogers could “recognize” -- something that they could intuitively understand. UX research helped the EBSCO team understand cataloger priorities and needs for informing design decisions.

Douglas Loynes

Product Owner, ESBCO Information Services
Wednesday September 25, 2024 3:30pm - 4:20pm BST
G4 Senate House

4:30pm BST

Acquisitions automation review
Wednesday September 25, 2024 4:30pm - 5:20pm BST
Learn more about the existing automation tools in FOLIO and discuss FOLIO's plans for the future, including automated claiming, email order export and accounts payable system invoice update.
avatar for Joe Reimers

Joe Reimers

Senior Product Owner, EBSCO
Joe Reimers (MSLIS, Drexel University) has been a Product Owner at EBSCO specializing in Acquisitions and Enhanced Consortia Support since 2023. Prior to joining EBSCO, he worked as a sales engineer for 2 different library system vendors after spending over a decade as systems coordinator... Read More →
avatar for Dennis Bridges

Dennis Bridges

Principal Product Manager, EBSCO
Wednesday September 25, 2024 4:30pm - 5:20pm BST
G4 Senate House
Thursday, September 26

10:30am BST

Application Formalization Workshop
Thursday September 26, 2024 10:30am - 11:20am BST
This workshop is designed to further advance the topic of Application Formalization for Folio. It will introduce and discuss analysis techniques for organizing the existing module-based Folio ecosystem and adding a new Application layer. An existing Folio domain will be selected and formalized into Applications as an exercise.
avatar for Vince Bareau

Vince Bareau

Architect, EBSCO
avatar for Craig McNally

Craig McNally

Principal Architect, EBSCO Information Services
Thursday September 26, 2024 10:30am - 11:20am BST
G4 Senate House

11:30am BST

Product Owners Meeting
Thursday September 26, 2024 11:30am - 12:20pm BST
In person meet up with FOLIO POs and anyone interested in becoming a PO.
- Announcements
- Pick a topic to discuss
avatar for Dennis Bridges

Dennis Bridges

Principal Product Manager, EBSCO

Khalilah Gambrell

FOLIO Product Owner, EBSCO Information Services
avatar for Owen Stephens

Owen Stephens

Consultant / Folio Product Owner, Owen Stephens Consulting Ltd
Thursday September 26, 2024 11:30am - 12:20pm BST
G4 Senate House

1:30pm BST

Serials and binding: development update, functional scope and community funding process
Thursday September 26, 2024 1:30pm - 3:20pm BST
This working session around serials management and binding functionality is intended to get us from "this is the functionality we've built" to "how do we get where we need to go in the long run?". Product owners Joe Reimers (binding) and Owen Stephens (serials management) together with Peter Sbrzesny will show what functionality is already developed and ask for feedback on future requirements related to both areas.
Kirstin Kemner-Heek will present on how the future work can be funded and discuss with the audience what can be done to get further requirements financed.
avatar for Owen Stephens

Owen Stephens

Consultant / Folio Product Owner, Owen Stephens Consulting Ltd
avatar for Kirstin Kemner-Heek

Kirstin Kemner-Heek

Head of Library Management Systems Department, Verbundzentrale des GBV
avatar for Peter Sbrzesny

Peter Sbrzesny

Systems Librarian, Gemeinsamer Bibliotheksverbund (GBV)
avatar for Joe Reimers

Joe Reimers

Senior Product Owner, EBSCO
Joe Reimers (MSLIS, Drexel University) has been a Product Owner at EBSCO specializing in Acquisitions and Enhanced Consortia Support since 2023. Prior to joining EBSCO, he worked as a sales engineer for 2 different library system vendors after spending over a decade as systems coordinator... Read More →
Thursday September 26, 2024 1:30pm - 3:20pm BST
G4 Senate House

4:00pm BST

ECS: Circulation and Shared Cataloging
Thursday September 26, 2024 4:00pm - 4:50pm BST
This presentation will convey exciting new developments for ECS (Enhanced Consortial Support). This includes the ability to share bibliographic records and coordinate circulation between member tenants. It will also highlight the flexibility of the ECS model to fit different multi-tenant configurations (such as at the Library of Congress).
avatar for Vince Bareau

Vince Bareau

Architect, EBSCO
Thursday September 26, 2024 4:00pm - 4:50pm BST
G4 Senate House

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  • Any service that may have potential to integrate with an ILS/LSP
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